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Spirit Dances - C.E. Murphy The Book: Spirit Dances by C.E MurphyThe Particulars: Urban Fantasy, Luna, available both in print and e-bookWhy was it in my TBR? I love, love C.E MurphyThe Review:The blurb:As half of Seattle's only paranormal detective team, Joanne Walker is a sassy urban shaman who has tangled with her share of odious creatures. Dark alleys might not raise her pulse, but her new assignment does: Recently, homeless people have been disappearing even more quickly than they can be identified and the killer seems to be materializing as a creature one would expect to meet only in hell. Vivid, realistic first-person narrative; empathetic characters.My impressions:To say that I loved this book would be an understatement. But, I have also struggled with this review. How do I tell that without spoilers? Well. I’ll try. This book rocked me, from the start to the end. It made me laugh, and go aww. The book was a tightly written rollercoaster. Filled with interesting characters, and unexpected plottwists. I didn’t dare stop reading, in fear of missing something. The only thing that annoyed me was the end. But, it was the good kind of annoyance. The end is a big, honking cliff-hanger. The kind that want you drop this book, and pick up the sequel. The problem? It is a year to the next one..